The Iré Viajes team
The enthusiasm we bring to every project is what makes us special, and we never want to lose it.
We are 10 highly motivated people with a specialized knowledge of different regions and industries. Want to discover Africa? Mariana has travelled the continent from top to bottom, and after a brief chat with her, she’ll know exactly which itinerary to surprise you with and what places will fascinate you.
Is Asia calling to you? Guillem will give you the best insider tips for plunging into the thrilling world of the Orient.
Not sure where to go? Debating between Polynesia and the Maldives? Before you know it, Marta will have it all worked out for you.
If you’re looking for expert advice to organize an incentive trip for your company, but you don’t know where to begin or if your budget will stretch far enough, Antonio is your man. Tell him what you want to do, and he’ll get involved in your campaign and come up with the perfect travel package for your company. He and his stellar team—Olga, Marina and Cristina—will make all the arrangements for a truly unforgettable trip!